Legally blind
Legally blind

legally blind

Other illnesses and accidents can also cause severe vision loss that reaches the level of legal blindness. Some people are visually impaired since birth and others inherit eye diseases, like retinitis pigmentosa, Stargardt Disease and Leber’s, that present earlier in life.

legally blind

Most legal blindness occurs in adults over the age of 40 and is caused by progressive eye diseases including age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and glaucoma. While many vision loss terms have become largely outdated, the two that are widely used today are visually impaired and low vision, representing a spectrum that describes vision loss ranging from 20/70 to 20/1000 and beyond.Īccording to the CDC, approximately 12 million people in the US, over age 40, have low vision, or uncorrectable vision with an acuity of at best 20/70. It is really up to the individual, how they wish to identify. Referring to everyone who meets the legal blindness qualification, as “blind” is not accurate or appropriate. About 15% of people who are legally blind are totally blind, 85% have impaired vision.

  • Is legal blindness the same as actual blindness?.
  • Image shows woman looking at eye chart with one eye covered. Don’t resist that advise, it should be taken seriously for your safety and the well-being of others you’ll encounter on the road. An eye doctor may advise you to stop driving long before you reach legal blindness. There is no requirement that legal blindness be reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles.


  • Is your driver’s license revoked if classified as legally blind?.
  • There is no such thing as, “legally blind without my glasses,” if your vision loss is correctable with lenses, be very grateful, you are not considered legally blind.
  • Can you be legally blind if your vision is correctable?.
  • It is also possible to be deemed legally blind if one eye has a field of 20 degrees or less and the other eye has an acuity no better than 20/200. The vision in both eyes must be no better than 20/200 OR must have a visual field of 20 degrees or less. This means if something is 200 feet away, you have to stand 20 feet from it in order to see it clearly, but a person with 20/20 vision can see it clearly from 200 feet away. The US Social Security Administration defines legal blindness as vision no better than 20/200 or a visual field of 20 degrees or less in both eyes. Legal blindness is a government standard measurement of visual acuity that qualifies a person for disability benefits and disqualifies their ability to drive. Let’s clarify what Legal Blindness is, and what it is not.

    legally blind

    It consists of two words which do not clearly articulate their purpose. Most people have heard the term but do not know what it means. There is a term related to vision loss that is misunderstood and chronically misinterpreted.

    Legally blind